A Window to the Wild
Open Water Research Station Contributes a Decade of Discoveries This year marks the ten-year anniversary of the Open Water Research…
Evolution of a Hunter
Do feeding strategies drive resilience? Many thousands of years ago, the ancient ancestors of today’s seals and sea lions moved…
Decisions at Depth: Does prey availability drive foraging behavior?
Sitka, one of 4 Steller sea lions trained to wear a harness carrying scientific instruments while…
The Science of Stress: A Nutrigenomic Approach
Feeling stressed? It’s a common complaint, but stress isn’t a uniquely human condition. Marine mammals also experience stress, especially when…
July 2014 – This Just In
Steller sea lion diving awarded Gold Medal For more than 125 years, one gold medal has been awarded each year…
Calculating the limits of diving
Carling Gerlinsky on the diving platform with Hazy and two Steller sea lion trainers from the Vancouver Aquarium. The diving…
What’s in a Whistle?
Transient killer whale with Steller sea lions on the rocks. New study examines how transient killer whales communicate first published March…
Genes in a Bottle
Using DNA analysis to solve a dietary dilemma The mysterious decline of Steller sea lions in Western Alaska presents a…
Diving for Dinner: The mechanics of foraging and commuting in Steller sea lions
As Steller sea lions decline in parts of the North Pacific Ocean, Consortium scientists are working to understand how sea…
Seasonal Differences in Biochemical Adaptation to Fasting in Juvenile and Subadult Steller Sea Lions
The Fasts of Life Unappealing as it may be to most humans, fasting is a fact of life for Steller…
Hormone Changes Shed Light on Nutritional Stress
Like most mammals, Steller sea lions require varying amounts of food throughout the year, according to such appetite-influencing factors as…