
Faculty and Researchers

Dr Marie Auger-Méthé
Dr David Rosen
Dr Andrew W. Trites

Adjunct Professors
Dr  Marty Haulena
Dr  Stephen Raverty

Research Associates
Dr Juan Jose Alava (Honorary)
Carol Meirelles

Students &  Research Questions

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Beth Volpov
This project involves constructing comparative bioenergetic models to predict daily food requirements of southern and northern resident killer whales.

Burak Saygili
Fisheries acoustics, Marine acoustics, Scientific echosounders, Acoustic scattering, Acoustic fishery resources survey

PhD Candidates

Benia Nowak
Investigating oceanographic influences on the movement patterns and dive behaviour of Spitsbergen bowhead whales and comparison of diet and habitat use to another Arctic cetacean species, the narwhal


Rhea  Storlund
Exploring how pinniped cardiovascular anatomy and physiology relates to diving ability



MSc Students

Julia Adelsheim – MSc
A Bioenergetic Model for Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris): Exploring Interactions Between Energy Requirements and Dietary Choices


Kathleen Gill – MSc
Exploring pinniped navigation methods for long-distance migrations


 Josh McInnes – MSc
Determining the Ecology and Community Structure of West Coast Transient Killer Whales in the Northeastern Pacific


Tess McRae – MSc
Investigating whether southern resident killer whales are endangered because of the collapse of winter and spring Chinook populations in California that occurred over a century ago



Dana Price – MSc
Assessing microplastics, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and per-/poly-fluoroalkyl substances in northeastern Pacific sea otters (Enhydra lutris)



Research Assistants
Taryn Scarff

Administration & Support
Pamela Rosenbaum
Renee La Roi Shuttleworth


Over thirty students have graduated since 1996.  Click on alumni to see our list of graduates and their research.