MSc Candidate
Tel: 604.822.8181
Fax: 604.822.8180
E-mail: j.mcinnes@oceans.ubc.ca
Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Trites
Education: (2019) B.Sc Biology Major, University of Victoria, Victoria BC.
Research Topic: Determining the Ecology and Community Structure of West Coast Transient Killer Whales in the Northeastern Pacific
About: Josh McInnes is from the windy seaside city of Victoria BC, Canada. Josh’s research focuses on the ecology and behaviour of marine mammals in British Columbia and Monterey Bay, California, with studies focusing on the foraging behaviour, diet, and ecology of transient (Bigg’s) killer whales and Risso’s Dolphins.

Donnelly, D.M., J.D. McInnes, K.C.S. Jenner, M.N.M. Jenner and M. Morrice. 2021. The First Records of Antarctic Type B and C Killer Whales (Orcinus orcas) in Australian Coastal Waters. Aquatic Mammals 47(3):292-302.
McInnes, J.D., C.R. Mathieson, P.J. West-Stap, S.L. Marcos, V.L. Wade, P.A. Olson and A.W. Trites. 2021. Transient Killer Whales of Central and Northern California and Oregon: A Catalog of Photo-Identified Individuals. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-644:149 p.
Gemmell, G. L., McInnes, J. D., Heinrichs, S. J., & de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2015). Killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation on whales in Sri Lankan waters. Aquatic Mammals, 41(3), 265.
McInnes, J.D., Buckmaster, J.N., Cullen, K.D., Mathieson, C.R., & Tawes, J.P. (2020). Intentional stranding by mammal-hunting killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the Salish Sea. Aquatic Mammals, 46(6), 556-560.
McInnes, J.D., Mathieson, C. R., West-Stap, P. J., Marcos, S. L., Wade, V. L., Moore, J. E., and Olson, P. A. 2020. Recent trends in the ecology of transient killer whales in Monterey Bay, California 2006-2018. Poster presented at: CalCOFI Conference 2020: Understanding unprecedented changes in California’s marine and coastal environment; December 1-2, 2020; online.